If you went to university, chances are you had nothing better to do. If you thought that it would bring the promise of expanded horizons, it may already be too late for you.
Rather than endorse the idea that university gives you “more opportunities”, we want to put forward some people who seem to disagree, stating instead, the role of university within a framework of race domination. Theorists include: Tom Curry, Joy James, William Dubois, Jan Matthews, John Gatto Jeff Schmidtt et al. Looking at their work, the task is to build connections that enable you to engage with and relate to the thoughts and ideas
We want to enhance your appreciation of, and/or make sense out of your experiences and readings. At the same time, we want to give participants who attended previous sessions some closure, tying together ideas that might not have settled.
Do enjoy, and again, prepare to be offended.
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